INSIGHT Practice Area
Talent Management
- Skills Planning & Assessment
- Professional Development
- Professions Career Management
- Skilled Resource Management
Talent Management (TM) Solutions that help clients more effectively develop, allocate, assess, grow, utilize, and retain “Client-Valued” skills and competencies.
The INSIGHT Group’s “Best Practice” Talent Management Solutions help clients to develop, implement, and manage relevant professional services TM strategies and solutions. These solutions, in concert with services focused HR strategies and solutions, must support and span both the organization’s location-based workforce, as well as the rapidly expanding “expert team” remote workforce as well.
Professional Services organizations understand and meet evolving customer needs for solutions through the skills and expertise of their people. To be effective, practitioners must have relevant solutions “know how” and strong understanding of each solution’s value to the customer. More importantly, they must also have first-hand experiences developing and implementing these solutions in each client’s unique operating environment.
This often requires new approaches and leading-edge systems, analytics and AI smart tools for skills planning and assessment, professional development, professions career management, and skilled resource management to develop, allocate, and grow this “know how”.
We help each client to develop and implement best-practice TM processes for developing and maintaining both today’s skills needs, but also for developing and applying new client-valued skills and competencies for meeting tomorrow’s customer needs to successfully compete as a services provider.
Key Elements
- Services Career Models and Job Role Templates and Job Descriptions
- Consulting and Services Professional Career Development Roadmaps
- Professions Management and Qualification / Certification Process
- SSkills Assessment and Planning Processes
- Skilled Resources Management Model
- Expert Professions Communities and Knowledge Sharing
- Utilization Planing/Pricing plans for all job roles and levels
- Compensation, Performance Management, and Career Model Alignment with Human Resources
- Skills Management Process—Assessment and Implementation: Systems, Automation, and Predictive AI/Cognitive/Analytics Tools
Value to the Client
- Increased knowledge of, visibility to, and availability of services skills and capabilities
- Smoother, less painful transition of the professional workforce to a services culture
- Sustained capability to compete through implementation of services skills planning and professional development processes
- Shortened time to proficiency and deployment of professional services talent
- Efficiently utilized skilled resources across organizational boundaries assuring higher customer satisfaction and profitability
- Leveraged training, systems, and tools investments across Business Units
- Increased Employee Engagement and Employment Experience
- Highly competitive and motivated services professionals
- Higher retention of Client-valued Skills
Our Approach
INSIGHT offers a series of capabilities that are customized to fit specific client needs. Offerings include:
- Best Practices Workshops and Assessments that compare industry best-in-class models with your current models, to assess gaps and opportunities for improvement.
- Design and Deployment Workshops and Planning Sessions for Skills Planning and Assessment, Professional Development, Professions Career Management, Skilled Resource Management
- Creation of an Organization Structure with dedicated leadership and practitioner roles and responsibilities defined with Job Descriptions, and a robust learning strategy and skills planning process.